Freight is expensive, so it’s more important than ever to get every last penny out of that load. At Helluva Container, we are certain that we can save you money and reduce waste because we can get more, usable boxes on each load compared to other companies who sell used boxes. Why pay to haul boxes you can’t even use?
Just fill in the information about the Gaylord boxes you are comparing, and we will provide you with the estimated cost and waste savings based on our proprietary processing methods that maximize each load.
Please wait...
Based on the information you have selected from your {{industry}} industry, a load of {{boxStyle}} with {{numberOfWalls}} walls
will have approximately {{boxCountHelluva}} boxes from Helluva and {{boxCountBroker}} from the broker. We calculate that:
You will have paid ${{costUnUsableBoxBroker}} to haul {{unUsableBoxBroker}} bad boxes from the broker, but less than
${{costUnUsableBoxHelluva}} to haul fewer than {{unUsableBoxHelluva}} bad boxes from Helluva.
You will have {{costUsableBoxHelluva}} good boxes from Helluva, but only {{costUsableBoxBroker}} good boxes from the broker.
Your final delivered price per box from Helluva is ${{deliverCostGoodBoxHelluva}} and ${{deliverCostGoodBoxBroker}} from the broker.
Your estimated savings with Helluva is ${{differenceDeliverCost}} per usable box and
you are getting approximately {{estimateGoodBox}} more usable boxes on the load, substantially minimizing loss.
If you are ready to talk to one of our packaging specialists to discuss your results, enter your contact information and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
It appears that you are getting a good deal with your current provider. However, you should take into consideration the number of boxes lost,
estimated at {{unUsableBoxBroker}} at a cost of ${{costUnUsableBoxBroker}}. We recommend that you talk to one of our packaging specialists to discuss your results.